Marxism is a way of thinking about society, work, and money. It was created by Karl Marx, a German thinker, in the 19th century. Marxism looks at how people live, work, and interact with each other in a world where there are rich people and poor people.
The Main Ideas of Marxism
Class Struggle: In society, there are different groups of people called "classes." The two main classes are the rich (who own land, money, and factories) and the poor (who work for the rich). Marxism says that these two classes are always in struggle, because the rich want to stay rich, and the poor want to have a better life.
Capitalism: Marxism explains that capitalism is the system where the rich own everything, and the poor must work for them to live. In capitalism, the rich get richer, and the poor stay poor. Marxism says that this is unfair.
Revolution: Marxism believes that one day, the poor will rise up and take control from the rich. This change is called a revolution. After the revolution, Marxism says that there will be a new kind of society where everyone is equal. There will be no rich or poor, and everyone will work Equally.
Communism: After the revolution, Marxism sees a society called communism. In communism, there are no classes, and no one owns things by themselves. Everything is shared, and people work together for the good of everyone.
importance of marxism:----
Marxism is important because it gives people a way to understand why there is so much unfairness in the world. It shows how the rich keep their power and how the poor can fight for a better life. Many people around the world have used Marxism to try to make their societies more fair.(which hasn't succeed much 🤥.)
Marxism Today
Today, Marxism is still a strong idea, but it is not always easy to put into practice. Some countries have tried to follow Marxism, but they have not always succeeded. However, the ideas of Marxism continue to inspire people to think about how to create a fairer world.
In summary, Marxism is a way of thinking that explains why there is a struggle between the rich and the poor and how society can change to make life better for everyone.
we can apply Marxism by using circles and teaching others about Marxism, the will teach others , then a whole area will become marxist , the area will teach other areas , the areas will become colony ,that colony will teach other colonies , this way a whole country will bexome marxist , .and thus the revolution will take place , and communism will go its way to the world ...